Monday, August 6, 2012

Weekend recap

I had a wonderful weekend here in Madison.  I started my Friday off at the terrace where I read my book, went for a swim, and had a few beers at happy hour as I waited for Nate to get off work.  I met him at his house, and we had a picnic together and went to the swimming pool and hot tub at his apartment.  It was nice to have some quality time to catch up because we don't really get that during the week as much. Being a girl, I need to talk about my feelings all the time, so he was wonderful about listening of course!  On Saturday morning, we got up at 6 and volunteered at a kid's triathlon, ages 3-14. It was really fun watching them!  They had training wheels, big wheels, and some of the older kids even had nicer bikes than me. No fair! I got to help at a corner of the run course and between the bike/run transition, and Nate helped with parking. We rode our bikes there, so on our way home, we stopped at Abuelo's, which is a Mexican resturant and smashed some good grub! When we got home, I was sitting downstairs and Nate brought down his mattress pad to put on the living room floor so we could watch the Olympics together. It was raining out, and we took a nap instead. We ended up sleeping for about 2 and a half hours!  It must have been needed because we both woke up feeling really good!  We made a trip to the grocery store and I made chicken cordon bleu, green beans with bacon and red skinned mashed potatoes for dinner. It was rather delicious.  We watched some more Olympics and went to bed.  On Sunday, I got up and went for a swim, then we went to church and then to the zoo.  Madison has a free zoo, and it was the perfect day outside. It was very enjoyable, and we of course, had a wonderful time there. Then, we drove around looking for houses we want to buy and got ideas. We finished our weekend by talking about our goals for the next year together and wrote them down. We are going to review them regularly to reach all the goals we have set for ourselves and for our relationship.  Here is another reason why he is so perfect for me!  I need someone who is driven and goal oriented, and here we are, writing down our goals together!  I can't imagine that our lives will be anything less than amazing. Well, that was the weekend!  Today has been a busy day at work and I got in a great swim work out. I plan on reading when I get home and waking up in the morning to do an open water swim at the lake.  Have a great start to your week, everyone!

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