Friday, July 6, 2012


It's Friday! I started my day at 4:43am. Even Oscar didn't want to be up at that time! It is hard enough waking up that early, but not only do I have to be up, I actually have to be awake and enthusiastic! I am pretty sure people hate that about me. Haha GOOD MORNING IT'S 5AM!!!!! BUT ya know what?! Someone has got to be excited about it, dang it! I was going to do a sprint triathlon this weekend, but I hurt my back when I was moving, so I decided against it. I have felt much better yesterday and today emotionally. Like I had mentioned, it has been tough dealing with so much change and transition. It is a lot for one little person to handle. They are all positive changes, so that makes it easier to get through the mixed emotions. Luckily, I have the world's most amazing man as a boyfriend, and he has made the transition a whole heck of a lot more comfortable. We haven't been able to see each other as much now that we aren't living together. It makes me miss him a lot, even when it is only a day! I never thought that would happen because I love my alone time. When I was single, that was the one thing I was worried about the most- finding the balance between together and alone time, but now, I just want to be with him ALL the time! Gosh, I am the luckiest girl in the world. Okay, I am done now. Now that you all have thrown up in your mouths a little bit! My boss went into labor last night, and we haven't heard yet, but I am sure she had her baby by now. That means I have to hold the fort down while she is gone. I am also starting a bootcamp class next week too, so I am going to be a busy gal! I love this job. It is so fun being in one place all day and not having to be so strung out. It is also pretty awesome that I get paid to do my hobby and be at the gym all day! It feels good to represent one gym and I am proud to represent this one. Do you feel that way? Are you proud of what you are doing with your life or do you hesitate when people ask you where you work? If you do, remember that your job is not what defines you, and you should be proud of whatever it is you are doing. No matter what it is, you are making a difference. You can be a role model in any position you are in, and you can define yourself by that. You can choose to be proud and choose to be happy in any situation you are in. If you can be happy in your current situation, you will be truly happy forever. The great thing about all the changes in my life is that I was already happy before they all happened. I was perfectly content with where I was, who I was, and what I was doing which makes for a perfect time to make a huge life decision like I did. I wasn't looking for happiness, and I wasn't running away from anything. Life happened, and I went with it--and you should too! WWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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