Oh my gosh!!! I RAN A MILE TODAY!!!! With NO pain, and I did it in 8 minutes easily. Which means all my cross training paid off to keep me in great shape! I actually feel like I am stronger and in better shape than I have ever been. It has been a long road to recovery, but I can look back and see all the positives I have gained from having plantar fasciitis. I am able to have empathy and relate to my clients, I learned many different recovery tips, I got really strong doing other things, I got to focus on swimming which is my weakest part of my triathlon, I learned a lot about myself personally, and the list goes on. It was really hard somedays, especially when it feels like someone is stabbing your heel 24 hours a day or when you cry in pain just to get up in the morning. I will never forget those moments, and I will forever be grateful for my healthy body. I am committed to taking care of it and listening to what it tells me. I will rest when I need rest, and I will push myself beyond my limits even when I am tired or feel weak. I am going to bounce back stronger than ever! Watch out!!
I have a fun-packed night ahead of me. I am teaching a TRX class which includes a group of hard-working, energy-filled participants. When I turn that music up and put that microphone on, I turn into super-Heidi. I cannot describe the feeling I get to have the opportunity to lead a group of people in their work out. They count on me to unwind after a long day at work and leave feeling like they really accomplished something. I get to be part of making their day better. What a wonderful thing! I also get to meet up with a friend, Pauline, who I have not gotten to spend a lot of time with lately. I believe the gift of time is one of the greatest things you can give someone, and I am really thankful I can give her that gift and she is doing the same for me. After that, I have a phone date with my good friend, Heath who I also haven't had the chance to catch up with in a few weeks. The gift of time--I am giving it away tonight and receieving it as well! Who can you give some of your time to this week? Even if it is only a few minutes, try turning your focus onto others instead of yourself. How can you make someone else's day? Put some thought into it, do it, and watch what happens :)
Hump day!!
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