Thursday, June 28, 2012
Life and Love
I get to go to Cedar Falls tomorrow! I am really excited to see some friends that I have been missing so much and to get my puppy, Oscar back from my Mom! She fell in love with him, so I know it is going to be really hard for her to give him back to me. He is just a loveable lil guy. I am excited to move, but I am not at the same time because it is going to be a HOT one! Melissa is riding back with me in the Uhaul and staying with me Saturday night. Nate's best friend Skyler is coming to Madison this weekend too, so he is going to give Melissa a ride back Sunday. We are going to have a sleepover with our bestest friends! The fireworks show in Madison is on Saturday too, so we will get to see that. They set fireworks off to music over the lake, so I have heard it is really neat. It will be a busy and fun weekend! I probably won't even get to setting my apartment up until Sunday night and have to work on it throughout the week! Last night, I got to experience my first "Concerts on the Square". Every Wednesday in the summer, there are concerts on the capitol lawn for free. You bring a blanket, food, and drinks, and you enjoy music. Nate met me down there after work, and we sat with some of my new friends. It was so relaxing, and I couldn't believe how fast the night went. Every time Nate and I get to spend together, I fall more and more in love with him. He is wonderful, and I am writing it here on my blog so everyone knows it! I'm in love, I'm in love, and I don't care who knows it!! :) It has been a long time since I have said that, and I really wasn't even looking for it. I was to the point where I would have been okay with being single for a really long time. I was very happy with who I was and where my life was going. Then, without even trying, out of no where, I get this wonderful job to move to a wonderful city, and a wonderful man just happens to be there! Oh how lovely life is. It has taken me a long time to get to where I am, and it did not come easy. Not at all. I am thankful for all these wonderful things every day, and I know no matter what happens, I can handle anything that comes my way! My hope is that if you are going through something challenging, I can inspire you or give you hope. I don't have this blog to brag about my life, but I pray each time that I write it that it would make a difference to someone. It will make someone's day. I will say something that sticks in someone's head that will push them to that next step. That is what I am here for, friends! Have a wonderful day--make today the best day of your life.
Keep it simple!
Everyday we hear about what is good for us and what is bad for us. It is frustrating for me as a personal trainer because my clients come to me with many concerns and questions. It just confuses every one, and they give up. Try to keep things simple. Being healthy and reaching your fitness goals is about moderation (with everything in your life, not just food) and consistency--stop trying every single fad diet and work out-- stay consistent. Keep movement a part of your day, don't over eat, and get the to gym, but don't be so hard on yourself if you do miss a work out or eat too much. Life goes on, and as long as you don't do it everyday, you will be fine. I do think it is important to meet with a personal trainer to review your work outs. If you are spending time in the gym, you best be getting the most out of it that you can. I wouldn't want you to waste your time, and you probably don't want to either. Most gyms offer a free consultation with a trainer, so take advantage of it. Find a group or a friend to exercise with. A lot of communities offer many options for this like running clubs, triathlon groups, etc. Get a hold of someone and have some fun with your work outs! Even if you aren't a runner or a triathlete, you can still join to get active and meet new people. Accountability will keep you on track! Keep it simple. Keep it consistent. And have fun.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Go out and try! Then try again! ....and again...
What are you waiting for? What are you afraid of? Afraid to fail? Afraid to get hurt? Stop it. Stop being afraid and get out there and try...then keep trying. What did I say about never giving up and never settling? You are the only one who has the power and control of what is going to happen. If you keep saying you are afraid of (fill in the blank), what you want will never happen for you. Pick up a sledge hammer and break down that wall that is stopping you. Take a risk today. Do something. Stop doing nothing. You must know that there is a higher risk of hurt, failure, etc., but if you keep trying and never give up AND BELIEVE (this is key--to believe it will actually happen for you and actually vision it happening for you), it WILL happen. Whatever it is. Whatever you want. It will happen for you. What is your next step?
Monday, June 25, 2012
It is becoming reality
A few more days, and I will have the keys to my new place. I think it hasn't really sunk in that I am going to be here forever because 90% of my belongings are still in Cedar Falls. I will be heading back on Friday afternoon to stay the night and pack up the next day. My best friend, Melissa, is riding back to Madison with me to stay the night! I miss her soooo much and am really looking forward to seeing her and showing her where I live! AND I will have Oscar back too!! I miss him soooo much! I had another great weekend in Mad-town. Nate and I had a date night on Friday. We went to dinner then spent some time at home talking about our relationship which I believe is a healthy thing for all couples to do. Boys and girls are just so stinkin' different! We should all take time to talk about each other's wants/needs. I feel like it brought us a step closer together. On Saturday, I had my first long run of my marathon training (Chicago marathon in October). I did 10 miles in 1 hour and 15 minutes, and then spent about an hour playing sand volleyball with some people that Nate knew. That night, I met a new friend for dinner and some drinks. It is so wonderful how kind people in Madison are. Everyone I have met seems like the kind of person that you have known forever. I love that. Everyone in Madison is working towards the common goal of having a great community. They are trustworthy people who would do anything for anyone--even if they didn't know them. If I asked someone on the street to help me with something, I know they would. It is pretty neat here! On Sunday, Nate and I went to the pool and relaxed all day. I went to a church that I think is going to be where I end up going. It surprises me how fast I found a church because that is a hard thing to find! It is just another reassurance that I am suppose to be here. Everything has been so easy and has happened without even trying. I feel at "home" already, even though Iowa will always truly be my home! Have an amazing Monday, everyone and remember not to settle for anything less than your best today.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Glory Days
I got to relive my glory days on a track last night. The Wisconsin Runners Club hosts track meets throughout the summer, and Nate and I ran in one! He already knew he was going to be running in it with some guys from work. They put together a 4x400 team. I was only going to watch him, and when I got there, I got a little itch to race and entered the 3200 which was starting in 5 minutes. I had already worked all day, biked 20 miles, ran 3 miles, and lifted. I still pulled out a 12:54! It felt pretty good, and it got me all pumped up! Nate also ran the 100 and 200, and his 4x400 team won. We were both loving every minute of it. It was awesome, and we will probably do more!
Work is going really well, but like I said, I don't even like to call it "work". My schedule is awesome, I work with really awesome people, and everyone at the gym is so nice too. I feel like I have known them all forever and I've been there forever. I definitley fit right in from day one. I am getting excited to move into my own place. It is only a week from tomorrow, and I get the keys. I also get my Oscar back too, as I have missed him so much! I have gotten used to living with Nate, so it will be hard to move out and not see each other everyday...but...I'm sure it will work out just perfectly, as everything else has so far.
Happy Thursday everyone! It is my favorite day of the week!
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Never. Ever. Settle. Ever.
Why should we settle for anything less than what we truly deserve? Why should we settle for being average? We shouldn't, and you don't have to! Make that your decision today. You will never settle. One of my devotions this week was about developing your strengths rather than focusing on your weaknesses. We stress so much about getting better at the things we aren't good at, when we should be perfecting our strengths. We all have strengths and weaknesses, and this world was made for each person's to be different. We work together with our strengths. Take some time to reflect on what yours are and steps you can take to become even stronger in that area. It will make the world a better place, and don't you dare settle for anything less than your best. I was sitting at church one day in high school when a guest speaker (who never met me in my life) stopped in the middle of his sermon, walked over and sat by me, and said to me "You are a jewel and you are to never settle for second best." Then, he got up and proceeded with his sermon. I will never forget those words, and I to this day, won't settle. It takes time and lots of hard work to get what you want in life, but if you take it little by little, one day at a time, and never give up, I promise you it will happen.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Everyday is a vacation!
Everyday here feels like a vacation! Even when I'm at work because it is so fun and I love it. I'm off work at 1:30 on Fridays, so I spent the day exploring. After work, I went and signed the lease on my new place. This is the first time I have signed a lease by myself, without a roommate. Definitely a proud moment in my life. It reminded me of the day I bought my first car when I was 15 years old. I saved all my money from a paper route and waitressing so I could get a car to drive on my school permit-another proud day in my life. After I signed the lease, I wanted to celebrate, so I went to state street and had a beer on a patio, then went to the union memorial terrace. This is a spectacular place. Local bands and musicians play every day along the lake. You can enjoy a beer on the patio, on a picnic table, or on one of the many docks. I decided to lay out on a dock. My ironman tattoo made me some new friends. A guy and a girl named Scott and Kami saw my tattoo and asked if I was an iron-woman, and we started talking and ended up exchanging numbers. Scott was going to go for a swim and asked me to join so I I did. We ended up going about a half hour. It was very refreshing, as it was a hot day. I then rode my bike back to Nate's where we got ready and went back down to state street to enjoy Ian's pizza and beers at the Capitol Brewery. We admired the Capitol up close as it was glowing in the night. It is beautiful; something a picture cannot capture. We slept in until 9:30 today. I didn't feel very well when I woke up, so Nate took care of me and made me breakfast! It was delicious! I went down to the farmer's market and bought some yummy local produce, got the rest of my groceries at the store, and baked and cooked all day. I think I walk around smiling constantly. I love it here. Make an effort to make everyday feel like a vacation. Don't miss out on the little things that make life wonderful. If you don't feel this way, change your perspective. Always focus on the positive, don't dwell on the past or focus on the future. Live for today, or you will miss out on this wonderful thing we call life!
Friday, June 15, 2012
Exercise Recovery: An important component we tend to forget about
You get to the gym, you tie your shoelaces, you clip into those pedals. You push yourself to extremes. You're done with a hard work out, and it is so easy to forget how important it is to replenish your body for recovery. The intake of water, sports drinks, carbohydrates, and proteins is crucial to recovering and preparing yourself for the next work out. It can get very technical and confusing, but have no fear! Heidi is here! I will try my best to make it simple so you can maximize the results of your efforts.
The first component to focus on is replacing fluids. The best way to do this is to weigh yourself before and after your work outs. You should consume 16 ounces of fluid for every pound lost within the first hour (this time is crucial) after exercise. Your blood has two components. Intracellular fluid (fluid inside the cells) and Extracellular fluid (fluid outside the cells). The rate at which the Intracelluar fluid absorbs liquid from extracellular fluid can be increased with sports drinks due to a higher concentration of electrolytes, carbs, proteins, and sodium/potassium. Obviously, sports drinks have more calories, so depending on what your goals are and how soon your next work out is will determine if you should choose water or a sports drink. Your body can rehydrate with water, but it takes longer to do. This is why it is so important to consume water all throughout the day, not just at one time.
The next component to focus on is intake of carbohydrates and proteins. This is generally a 4:1 ratio (4 being carbohydrates, 1 being proteins). Again, the most important window is an hour after exercise. For 4 hours following exercise, a person should consume 250-350 calories from carbohyrates per hour. Your body will absorb a lot more efficiently when the calories are consumed more spread out, rather than taking them all in at once. This is why it is important to eat smaller meals more frequently throughout the day. Your body will absorb what it needs more effectively, and it won't store the extra away. Each person's goals are going to be different, and again, you have to consider what your total calorie intake for the day should be. You also want to consume proteins with your carbohyrates because they aid in the synthesis of the carbohyrates so your body isn't storing the carbs as fats. 20 grams of protein is the number to shoot for. Whey protein is the most efficient at absorbing into your body, and again, during the first hour after exercise.
You can read more about recovery at: , but if you have any other questions, let me know!
The first component to focus on is replacing fluids. The best way to do this is to weigh yourself before and after your work outs. You should consume 16 ounces of fluid for every pound lost within the first hour (this time is crucial) after exercise. Your blood has two components. Intracellular fluid (fluid inside the cells) and Extracellular fluid (fluid outside the cells). The rate at which the Intracelluar fluid absorbs liquid from extracellular fluid can be increased with sports drinks due to a higher concentration of electrolytes, carbs, proteins, and sodium/potassium. Obviously, sports drinks have more calories, so depending on what your goals are and how soon your next work out is will determine if you should choose water or a sports drink. Your body can rehydrate with water, but it takes longer to do. This is why it is so important to consume water all throughout the day, not just at one time.
The next component to focus on is intake of carbohydrates and proteins. This is generally a 4:1 ratio (4 being carbohydrates, 1 being proteins). Again, the most important window is an hour after exercise. For 4 hours following exercise, a person should consume 250-350 calories from carbohyrates per hour. Your body will absorb a lot more efficiently when the calories are consumed more spread out, rather than taking them all in at once. This is why it is important to eat smaller meals more frequently throughout the day. Your body will absorb what it needs more effectively, and it won't store the extra away. Each person's goals are going to be different, and again, you have to consider what your total calorie intake for the day should be. You also want to consume proteins with your carbohyrates because they aid in the synthesis of the carbohyrates so your body isn't storing the carbs as fats. 20 grams of protein is the number to shoot for. Whey protein is the most efficient at absorbing into your body, and again, during the first hour after exercise.
You can read more about recovery at: , but if you have any other questions, let me know!
Thursday, June 14, 2012
I'm not homeless!
I'm just loving life today as I am in the swing of things with my new clients and classes. I know this is my calling in life because I just bounce around with a permanant smile on my face! Getting paid to meet new friends and hang out at the gym all day is pretty neat! :)
GREAT NEWS! I found an apartment and am going to sign the lease tomorrow! It is only 2.5 miles from downtown. It is like a house because it is separate from the other apartments. It has hardwood floors, new tile in the kitchen and bathroom, a big yard for Oscar, and it is 2 bedrooms! It is really easy to get downtown, as I can hop right on the trail that follow the lake. It is perfect! It is also right on the bus stop, so I can take the bus everywhere. I'm still planning on selling my car because you don't really need one around here. Yipppeeee!!!!!!!! July 1st is my official move-in day.
That's all for now, I've got to go back to kickin some butt! It's Thursday, my favorite day of the week!
GREAT NEWS! I found an apartment and am going to sign the lease tomorrow! It is only 2.5 miles from downtown. It is like a house because it is separate from the other apartments. It has hardwood floors, new tile in the kitchen and bathroom, a big yard for Oscar, and it is 2 bedrooms! It is really easy to get downtown, as I can hop right on the trail that follow the lake. It is perfect! It is also right on the bus stop, so I can take the bus everywhere. I'm still planning on selling my car because you don't really need one around here. Yipppeeee!!!!!!!! July 1st is my official move-in day.
That's all for now, I've got to go back to kickin some butt! It's Thursday, my favorite day of the week!
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Keep life interesting
It is important to occasionally or maybe more frequently, do something outrageous. Do something you never thought you would do, something people would least expect you would do. It will keep life interesting and keep other people from thinking they have you tucked away in a box they have designed. Be your own person. Be unpredictable.
Try to do something outrageous once a week, or maybe even start with once a month. So far this month, I flew and airplane and rode a horse!
We are not created by God to merely do the same thing over and over until it has no meaning. God is creative. Look around you. Nature is amazing. The universe is amazing and unpredictable. They boggle my mind everyday!
What crazy or outrageous thing will you do?!
Apartments, work, friends!
Yesterday was a great day! I swam 2 miles in Lake Mendota, biked 10 miles to and from work, and I ran about 2.5 when I got home with Nate. He is so great. I told him I was going to run a little bit when I got home if he wanted to join me, and he didn't even question it, he just said mmmkay! My kind of guy :)
I found out that I can move into the apartment on state street on July 15! This makes things a little difficult because I have to be out of my cedar falls apartment by July 1. I'm going to have to rent a space to put my stuff in for a few weeks. I haven't told the landlord for sure yet, so I'm going to keep looking today and possibly tomorrow, then give him an answer. I really think it will be worth it to wait. I want to experience living downtown in a big city at least once in my life! Also, I want to experience living alone too. I think everyone should do this. Independence is the key to a happy and fulfilling life. You need to be able to stand firm on your own mentally, financially, and spiritually. I spent the past two years being alone, and it was the best two years of my life. I learned so much about myself and grew into the person I wanted to be, and luckily enough, I found someone else who is just as independent as me, so it works out really well and makes for a great relationship!
Work is going great! Well, I don't like to refer to it as work because it is more of a hobby that I get paid to do. It's the best job I could have ever asked for. The team of people I get to work with are all amazing too. They love life and are excited about it everyday, which makes me even more excited beause we all feed off each other's energy. I got to teach my first class last night with another trainer, who I know is going to become a very good friend of mine. Her name is Irene and she is so fun! I'm going to be starting with all my clients tomorrow, so I'm excited to meet them all! I love new people and making new friends!
I sure am missing everyone back home. I hope that you all or some of you come visit. There is something to do here for everyone. Wisconsin plays UNI on September 1, so I would love to get a group here to go to that!
Have a super hump day all! Make today the best day of your life :)
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
My first blog! I sure do miss everyone back home in cedar falls, but I love Madison! I have only been here 6 days and I have already put 134 miles on my bike, and I got to swim in Lake Mendota this morning where I swam for Ironman! I was nervous getting around Madison at first, but I am getting used to it. It isn't too difficult once you learn the main roads. I am waiting to hear back from a landlord about an apartment on state street which is right downtown. If I get that apartment, I am going to sell my car because I won't need it! I am loving my job and everyone I work with. Actually, it isn't really a job, just a hobby I decided to make my career. I feel very fortunate to be able to say that. Not many people can. I am going to be very busy, but I love being active and busy. I have been staying with my boyfriend, Nate while I look for a place to live. He has been so good to me, and we have been having a lot of fun spending more time together and getting to know each other more. I think we will both be sad when I move to my own place, but especially him since I have been spoiling him rotten! My hopes for this blog are to inspire others and keep my family and friends up to date on my adventures. I will tell all about them, and I will also include different motivational blurbs and fitness and nutrition tips. Hope you will enjoy!
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