Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Go out and try! Then try again! ....and again...

What are you waiting for? What are you afraid of? Afraid to fail? Afraid to get hurt? Stop it. Stop being afraid and get out there and try...then keep trying. What did I say about never giving up and never settling? You are the only one who has the power and control of what is going to happen. If you keep saying you are afraid of (fill in the blank), what you want will never happen for you. Pick up a sledge hammer and break down that wall that is stopping you. Take a risk today. Do something. Stop doing nothing. You must know that there is a higher risk of hurt, failure, etc., but if you keep trying and never give up AND BELIEVE (this is key--to believe it will actually happen for you and actually vision it happening for you), it WILL happen. Whatever it is. Whatever you want. It will happen for you. What is your next step?


  1. Heidi!! Glad you started this blog! It will be fun to hear how things are going. Sounds like you're really liking Madison! So happy for you :)

    PS I liked the post about how you compared signing the lease to when you bought your first car! I remember that like it was yesterday...where has time gone! ;)

  2. I am glad you like the blog! I sure do miss you and cannot believe it has been a YEAR since you had Adelyn! and also yes, cannot believe how fast time goes...it does seem like yesterday that I came to pick up my car from you! :)
